MBFM Michelle Beaupré
Fundraising Management,
Website Design & Communications
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Reminder, Canadian Registered Charities are listed for FREE. Use form on CharityWishList.ca to request free directory-like listing, if you are a Canadian Registered Charity.
You will be contacted by Michelle Beaupré from email address
michelle@mbfm.ca or mbfm.ott@gmail.com or michelle.beaupre@chairtywishlist.ca
to discuss advertising options. Michelle owns both www.MBFM.ca and www.CharityWishList.ca only Michelle can speak on behalf of both websites. Payment in full will be required before posting to website.
Your advertising dollars will help keep the website free for charities to list their wish lists and free for donors to search and connect with them. Your support also helps cover operating costs, allowing me to focus on expanding and improving this Canada-wide resource.